023-30doh-2015 Thirty Days of September Haiga~ Day 23: Steps to Shelter

©2015 steps to shelter 3 sml 6x

my autumn walk
suddenly from a distance
these steps to shelter

Haiga is the image with the haiku placed within the image as a balanced component of the composition.

Today’s Link Box is for September 23 haiga:

The Prompt [for Sept. 23]:

Northern Hemisphere: Autumn walk
Southern Hemisphere: Spring walk

The next three days of prompts:

  • 24. [for Sept. 24]  
    Northern Hemisphere: Blue
    Southern Hemisphere: Cherries
  • 25. [for Sept. 25]  
    Northern Hemisphere: Poet
    Southern Hemisphere: Ships
  • 26. [for Sept. 26] 
    Northern Hemisphere: Seeds
    Southern Hemisphere: Fish

You are invited to play as often as you are comfortable with playing. The introduction and more information has been posted on the first day of September in a previous post.

Thank you for your patience—aloha, rick